Monday, November 20, 2006

Cosmic Vanity Plate?

I'm not sure if this blog will amount to anything or if it is merely a World Wide Vanity Plate. In the coming days I will be posting thoughts and observations that I hope will stimulate new conversation, or contribute to existing ones. We'll see if it flies. If it doesn't...there is a "delete this blog" button conveniently located at the settings page.

We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Nyah, Nyah... I'm the first to comment...

Your blog is in my favs and we're looking forward to hearing more.

So, what's in the name??

Anonymous said...

What's in the name...

A play on "passing through"

Passing...moving, traveling, journeying, sojourning

True...our journey is not merely movement, but movement with the purpose of truth

It may be totally cornball, but I'm mostly made of corn. (grin)

BeckyJ said...

Ha ha! Corn...


Anonymous said...

Don't touch that button!! Take the red pill.